Last night (3/18/16) there was an update to something called URL resolver.  The folks that make this quickly realized there was an issue with it and pushed out a newer version.

The problem is that some (not many) people it updated it to the “broken” version and then never updated it to the new one that works.  Here is what you need to do:


  1. In the screen where you have Kodi, FireTV Home and FireTV Settings, go into FireTV settings > then go into applications > Manage Installed Applications > Kodi.  Once there, force stop kodi, wait about 30 seconds and then hit clear cache (DO NOT HIT CLEAR DATA).
  2. Hit the home button and to back into Kodi. Then do the following (as quickly as you can!)


Once in Kodi, go to System



Then Add-Ons

Add Ons


Then System


Then Dependencies


Then to URL Resolver.

URL Resolver

A screen will pop up, one of the options will be to Update.  Click on Update – you will see it updating.


You only have about 30 seconds to complete this (or however long it takes before it crashes).  You need to do this quickly.

Note, you may have to do this more than once if the system crashes before you can fully update the add on.