I am sure over the last week you have seen notifications that there is a new version of Kodi out (version 16.0 also know as jarvis) and now you are asking yourself (and us), how can I upgrade to the latest version.
The simple answer is…. don’t. It is too new to be a stable version (yet), it was released on February 20th, 2016 and we don’t recommend upgrading to it. We are not even putting it on new fire sticks / fire tv’s that we are building now.
We have been watching forums and seeing the issues people are having once they have upgraded, and frankly, it just isn’t worth it yet. In some cases, it has removed the add on settings and people have had to reinstall everything to get their fire sticks and fire tv’s working again.
If you do upgrade and you have issues, please note that we can help, but we would have to reinstall everything and there would be a $25 fee (plus any shipping charges both ways, if applicable). If you have upgraded and are having issues, feel free to contact us.