Fix 90% Of Amazon Firestick Kodi Problems Is your device is running slow, no sound, no picture, device frozen or acting funky in any way?

  • Then you need to follow these easy steps:
    Force Stop
    Clear Cache
    Launch Application

Unless you have a bad stream (which can happen) or your internet is down or not working well, the “FORCE STOP” is the best way to fix any issues.

How do you do it?


  • Amazon Front Page
  • Settings (On Bottom)
  • Applications (4th Choice To Your Right)
  • Manage Installed Applications (Option On Bottom)
  • KODI (Light Blue Box)
  • Force Stop (2nd Choice)
  • Clear Cache (Bottom Choice) DO NOT CLEAR DATA
  • Launch Application (Top Choice)

This is not a re-boot but is for the ongoing maintenance of your stick. To re-boot, your would need to disconnect your Firestick from the electric source.